Linked Learning Annex

By Kevin Clark

Dakar Foundation has assembled a consortium of private-public partners for the Compton Unified School District (CUSD) to produce events to advance the shared knowledge and goals of Linked Learning for CUSD.

Dakar introduced linked Learning concepts to a group of Compton High school teachers on Wednesday January 21.  Principal Stephen Glass, and Director of ROP/CTE, Ryan Whetstone introduced Dakar, and set the tone for an elective fair that will happen Thursday, Jan 22.

The exchange between Dakar and the teachers was invaluable in learning more about their challenges, needs and capabilities to collaborate with us in bring a robust mentorship and apprenticeship program to fruition.

linked learning

The secret sauce for the Dakar consortium will be an integrated mentorship program that will focus on career development, placement in apprenticeship programs and scholarships to post secondary education.